Tuesday 13 November 2007

October 07

October has come and gone and still there is so much to see and do with time now running against me.
The month started on the Tuesday the 2nd with a visit to the Davison School in Worthing to open the new Modern Language facility built during the summer holidays funded from school reserves and a wonderful facility dedicated to the former Chair of Governors. Thursday we lunched with the Under Sheriff to discuss plans and responsibilities for a Judges Service to be held in the New Year, such is the lead time in planning such events – possibly a recurring theme in coming months! Friday and to Littlehampton to celebrate the 5th Anniversary of Dove Lodge the community facility which provides meeting rooms for voluntary organisations as well as office space for care and community organisations operating across the County then after sharing the birthday cake it was off to Chichester University and a Graduation Ceremony in the Festival Theatre which was a truly splendid and traditional occasion for all the graduates and their families. Saturday was the South of England Game Fair and the “Game to Cook Challenge” of East V West (High Sheriff’s that is) supported by professional chefs mine being Lewis Hamblett of South Lodge Hotel Lower Beeding (just south of Horsham if your interested) needless to say we won despite being accused of cheating as I had removed my “Dress Coat” a trick with the sword and a banana (dreamed up by Lewis where with a wave of the sword the banana was peeled and proved to be ready sliced!) Charles Metcalfe the broadcaster acted as MC and compare with the audience voting the right way despite East Sussex’s family each holding up two votes for Caroline! The hamper of local produce which we won and was what the challenge sought to promote - we donated to St Catherine’s Hospice one of my Charity’s for the year.
Tuesday 8th and an invitation from the Shipwrecked Mariners Society to attend their Awards Ceremony at Fishmongers Hall in the City of London where presentations were made to the crews of rescue helicopters, lifeboat coxswain and Doctor as well as Mike Golding for his southern ocean rescue of another round the world competitor. All were described in avid detail and were heart stopping moments of sheer courage, bravery and dogged determination not to be beaten – a privilege to share in such a wonderful day and very humbling to meet and speak with the recipients. You may recall the red and white mines on the seafront seeking donations – these are the visual reminder of the work of the Society. Wednesday and Sussex High Sheriff’s Awards Meeting at Police HQ Lewes at which we seek to promote, recognise and reward projects and programmes devised and developed by young people committed to maker safer communities whether at home, school or in the community. On to Bishop Luffa School – a delayed attendance having stopped to provide roadside assistance to an accident – an evening’s Piano Concert by pupils of all ages performing to family, friends and invited guests – a wonderful relaxation after the trauma of the journey down. Friday and Surrey Judges Service to which the High Sheriff of Surrey Nick Sealey invited us –meeting at the Law Courts Guildford transferring to Guildhall an absolute jewel of a building in the High Street and then a Legal and Civic procession to Holy Trinity Church for a wonderful service and return to the Mansion House – a wonderful day with the pavements packed with schoolchildren and families observing and photographing a little bit of English Tradition. Saturday I was honoured to be invited to attend the last ever reunion dinner of the “Guinea Pig” Club being the airmen of the second world war who suffered burns and plastic surgery by Sir Archibald McIndoe at Queen Victoria Hospital. The Patron of the Club HRH The Prince Phillip Duke of Edinburgh was present to mark the occasion which was both sad being the last and yet foresighted as they had on formation agreed that when numbers fell below a certain level to call the weekend reunions to an end. What a privilege and what wonderful people with tales to tell not only of their experiences but of their post war achievements. It is said that East Grinstead is the Town that doesn’t stare as part of their recuperation and re-introduction to the Community the patients were encouraged to go shopping and perhaps drinking in the Town!
Monday 15 and the Isle of Wight Judicial Service in Newport thanks to the kind invitation of Lt Col David Langford High Sheriff of the Isle of Wight who arranged a wonderful service in St Thomas’s Newport with the Lord Lieutenant of the Isle of Wight and Resident Judges all present processing from the Law Courts to Church and return after coffee with the assembled congregation. The choir and brass band of Ryde School made a wonderful contribution to the service. Tuesday and an RNLI fund raising planning meeting in Shoreham, in the evening, followed by attendance at the Gurja Hindu Union in Crawley in celebrating the Nine Nights festival another learning experience to which I was most warmly welcomed. Wednesday evening and attendance at the Sussex Neighbourhood Watch Federation AGM at Police HQ – there is anxiety as to future commitments and involvement given the budgetary constraints placed upon the Police Force. This was also the first meeting of NHW, and for me, with the New Chief Constable Mr Martin Richards appointed on the 1st October. Thursday and a visit to Princess Marina House Rustington being the Air Force Benevolent Fund home for retired personnel where HRH The Duke of Kent opened the “Sun Room” and then visited a respite facility for families returning from conflict enabling them to resettle with families and adjust to life after active service. I very much enjoyed meeting up with the Reverend Zachary Allan Vicar of Rustington and visitor to the home, he being the son of our former and now retired Parish Priest of West Hoathly and also many of the residents who were so free with their time and experiences as well as their appreciation of the care they receive in the home. A dash to St Wilfrid’s Hospice Chichester – my other Charity – to be present for the visit of HRH who concluded his day in West Sussex by making a visit to staff and patients alike which was much appreciated by all as was the time he spent with us. Sunday and a magical evening in Chichester Festival Theatre who had donated the theatre, for the evening, for a fundraising Gala in aid of St Wilfrid’s Hospice it being their 20th Anniversary an evening in which the cast of many well known names gave of their time and talent freely to entertain a “full house” which raised over £80,000 for the Hospice which costs £4million a year to run with only 12% of income coming from Government sources.
Monday 22 Attendance at the Police Awards for Long Service and Gallantry at their training college where the Awards were presented by the Lord Lieutenant of East Sussex and we had the opportunity to meet with the Officers and their families following the presentations. We really are so lucky to have such committed people caring for our well being and security here in Sussex. It was an opportunity for us to meet the Chief Constable in a more relaxed environment as well as the Deputy Chief Constable and other senior members of the force. Tuesday and a visit to Haywards Heath County Court to meet the team and learn of the work of the County Court Judges with HH Judge Pollard explaining and allowing us the opportunity to observe the current workload of the Court in home re-possessions a topic which has become current in the news. We shall long remember his comment of having to remind himself, given the volume of work, that he and the Court are talking of People’s and families homes rather than bricks and mortar or mere property! Then it was down to Chichester for a planning meeting for the Judges Service meeting with the Precentor of the Cathedral and Liturgist. Wednesday and back to Chichester for a visit to the Magistrate’s Court where I was able to observe the work of a busy Youth Court and Christine that of the Adult Court as well as meeting the respective benches of the day. Then it was a train home for Christine whilst I made my way to Guildford or at least endeavoured to, the car broke down en route on the A3 and I had to have it transported to its home dealer in Sussex and arrived very late for my other meeting of the day! Thursday Crawley Police Station having been invited to sit in and observe a meeting of the Independent Advisory Group that evening which covers a great deal of the work of the Police within the Crawley and North Downs area attended by Chief Superintendent Wayne Jones but Chaired by one of the Independent Panel. An informative evening in many respects. Saturday and an opportunity to spend the night with the Police in Burgess Hill observing “Operation Respect” which at this time of Halloween and Guy Fawkes night is aimed at protecting the vulnerable from bogus callers trick or treating, keeping an eye on the young and making sure the community is aware of a lack of tolerance with regard to bad and rowdy behaviour from alcohol and firework abuse by nipping any such action in the bud by increased presence on the streets and patrols by uniformed officers observing and encouraging the young to be careful and dispersing larger and noisier groups after previous warnings as to standards of behaviour and drinking in public places or in the presence of younger people with whom they may improperly share the alcohol. It may be viewed in the style of “Old fashioned Policing” which doesn’t sit comfortably with modern demands and sadly there were a couple of late night incidents which demanded a large attendance in order to suppress aggravation caused by excess consumption of alcohol. The observation ended with attendance on commercial premises following alert by intruder alarm. It is only in observing, at first hand, the work of the Police individually and as part of a team that it is possible to appreciate just how much we owe to them for what they are doing to keep us safe and I should add, what may be described as the disregard they have for their personal safety in their response to calls for action and intervention!
Sunday 28 so after a very short night’s sleep it was back to Burgess Hill to The Triangle for the Nautical Training Corps’ Band, Fanfare and Colour competition for a wonderful display of skill of the young people performing and presenting to us all and then sadly a dash to Bognor for the Chairman’s Civic reception which meant we were unable to stay to learn of the results but subsequently learned of the successes within the County. Monday and Chichester Neighbourhood Watch AGM in the evening and another meeting filled with anxiety of the volunteers as to the future arrangements. Tuesday and Lodge Hill Activity Centre AGM with a full report on all that has been achieved in the year with outline of the plans for future development we really are lucky to have such a multi faceted facility available to all sections of the community. The meeting ended with entertainment in which the combined choir sang a most moving piece which included signing as part of the presentation – It certainly got to me! Wednesday 31st October HALLOWEEN and Rustington U3A Open Day which was a real eye opener in terms of what this group is doing to support and sustain interest amongst its members with a plethora of activities aimed at all sections of the community the only qualification being that of retirement but with no lower age limit and no minimum educational level. Self and selfless help for the betterment of all and time well spent. Then on to Cuckfield for the NSPCC North Sussex Branch AGM at which Dame Mary Marsh Director and Chief Executive was the invited speaker. Unfortunately the meeting was interrupted by young people expressing their feelings which didn’t seem to sit well with the assembled throng especially as we were being told by Dame Mary about Children’s Rights!
Hey Ho and another month gone so now to November which promises to be equally exciting and fulfilling.