Sunday 10 June 2007

The continuing story

May started with a visit to Shoreham Port which is a Charter Port and as such a not for profit organisation established in Victorian Times. The majority of goods received from over 1,000 shipping movements a year are used within the County of Sussex or East Hampshire which must be good for the environment. The Government has since the visit published a "White Paper" on the future of the Ports and with grant aid having recently been given the future of Shoreham as a Port seems secure.
On then, or is it back to Chichester and the Cathedral this time not for a service but Concert by the Eastbourne Symphony Orchestra and Choral Concert which was magnificent not only in terms of staging, we all sat with our backs to the Altar but the quality of talent and the musical programme. Apparently such a Concert is an Annual Event and worthy of support.
On the 8th May we were given a tour of the Borough of Worthing where we met the Mayor and Chief Executive, learning that contrary to popular belief Worthing's retired population now only account for some 12% of the residents. The Borough is vibrant and seeking to establish itself not only as a popular holiday resort - very different from Brighton but also as a commercial centre and is attracting and holding a number of world class companies.
We followed this with a visit to Shoreham Airport the oldest Airport in the country, which used to be jointly owned by Brighton and Worthing but is now managed commercially with plans to develop the passenger services and business park facilities on site as commercial flights, with what may be deemed "light aircraft" routes to French destinations. Additionally we met with the aircraft preservation team who are provided with hangar space and have a historical display of the airports past.
That evening it was off to Chequer Mead in East Grinstead for the County Final of Young Enterprise, of which I am proud to have been appointed Patron for the year. The enthusiasm and commitment of the teams with a variety of products and services made life for the Judges very difficult. In truth all were winners having got through to this point in the challenge which teaches through practice commercial skills. We now wait to see how our finalists get on at The Regional Finals in Horsham on the 20th June.
10 May saw us in Worthing again, this time on a tour of the "Custody Suite" where we were shown the charging processes, cells and exercise areas as well as the case management processes in bringing accused to court in the shortest possible period of time. That evening we went on to Chichester to Bishop Luffa School's Prizes Event which was a magnificent evening with tutors presenting their view of the students in their year groups, which was a real eye opener in terms of the talent of the pupils as well as the commitment they make to the community by volunteering and fund raising. They are an example to us all.
Saturday 12 May saw me almost on home ground for the North Downs Neighbourhood Watch AGM at the Maidenbower Community Centre where I met a considerable number of their members all committed to working in support of their local communities in providing information in support of the Police which has enabled them to achieve a reduction in Crime over the last year. Another positive benefit of community involvement and support.
Having accepted an invitation to the Gurja Hindu Union "Recital " to be held later in the year, I felt that I should learn more about the "Faith" and its work so Christine and I accepted the offer of a visit to their Temple in Crawley and enjoyed a wonderful evening of explanation and learned considerably more about the "Faith" the communities commitment to Crawley and their plans for a new Temple the fund raising focus for which will be the "Recital".
17 May provided us with an opportunity to join in a visit and tour of Chichester Harbour with both the Conservancy and Trust, the weather held good and the waterborne tour aboard the eco friendly floating classroom provided an excellent opportunity to see for ourselves the conservation areas acquired by the Trust as well as the challenges facing the Conservancy in support of the leisure sailors balancing their interests with those of conservation especially in the preservation of breeding grounds for sea and other bird and wildlife. That evening we joined the West Sussex Girlguiding movement for their Annual Review at Arundel Castle, learning of the demands of young people for places in their local groups where a shortage of volunteers is a handicap. We were entertained by the Choir and presentations were made to Queen's Guide Award Winners as well as recognising long service of volunteers.
Friday we were back to Worthing this time for their Historic Mayor Making Ceremony, which was a delight to be part of especially as there were a number of visitors from Holland who knew little of the History and were envious of the pageant having no such thing in their own Country!
Saturday evening we were invited to join a dinner party for the Limerick Civic Society who were on a reciprocal visit to our County, then Sunday it was back down to Worthing for the Civic Service where we learned of the difficulties the Salvation Army had suffered when establishing itself in the community over a hundred years ago. Such was the strength of feeling that the Riot Act was read on the Town Hall steps as part of the action to calm the bitter tensions which existed then, what a long way we have all come!
Monday 21 May I was fortunate to be offered a visit to the Crown Prosecution Service, a presentation from the Senior Crown Prosecutor on the work of the organisation and their endeavours to bring the accused to trial and the manner in which they work with the Police in casse preparation. We were introduced to Prosecutors and support staff like all Public Agencies it seems that lack of finance is a major problem in meeting the targets being set Nationally.
Tuesday 22 May was a lifetime's experience as Christine and I were invited to join the community of Lancing College for the Dedication of the New Memorial Window to Bishop Trevor Huddlestone, a former pupil. The Service was led by Archbishop Desmond Tutu who having met Trevor drew on his personal knowledge of the man and his work in bringing about the downfall of apartheid. What a man and what a service certainly something I shall remember for the rest of my life!
What better way to end such a day than with the West Sussex Voluntary Youth Service AGM in Horsham where we learned of the work being done in the voluntary sector to engage with and support the youth of our community. We were entertained by a group of young people from Crawley with song and dance and some young solo singers seeking to work their way through to the National Competition. A great learning experience and one which set the seal on the day.
A continuing theme is developing and that is the need for more people to give of their time as volunteers to help enhance the community and lives of all living within West Sussex.
Crawley was our next Borough Visit on the 23 May where with the Chief Executive and Mayor we were informed of the vision for the future, given a tour of the Borough, introduced to business leaders and the voluntary services which have been brought together working from one location. Then it was off to Bosham to their Fire Station which has been under threat of closure through lack of volunteers, but have been granted a reprieve as three young and very committed young people have joined and were expected to pass their initial competency tests at the end of the week.
Thursday 24 and a meeting of Sussex Crimestoppers in Lewes.
Friday 25 St john Ambulance HQ at Brighton and the official opening by HRH The Duke of Gloucester and later that evening the opening of the East Grinstead Scouts Centenary Camp
The Bank Holiday weekend, we will all remember for the sudden drop in temperature and heavy rain, saw us back in Chichester for the Italy Star Association Service of Thanksgiving and Rememberance in the Cathedral
29 May and off to Southwater to meet the Community Police Volunteers at one of their regular update and briefing meetings.
Youth Offending Service Volunteer Centre in Littlehampton followed on Wednesday when the work of that part of the organisation was explained together with the challenges of finding suitable volunteers to help young people when they are at their most vulnerable!
Sunday 3 June St Margarets Church here in the village where my Chaplain for the year, our Parish Priest, organised a service around the Shrieval appointment after which we entertained and thanked the volunteers of the villages.
Monday 4 June started with the "Change Up" Conference bringing together, for the first time, all connected with the minority groups from across the County and whilst I was unable to stay beyond the keynote addresses, I subsequently learned that the day had proved a great success in sharing knowledge and opportunities to work together rather than in isolation.
Tuesday 5th it was down to Littlehampton to meet the Directorate of the Youth Offending Service and learn of the roles and responsibilities of members of the team, where the focus and drive is in the prevention of crime through intervention at an early stage, this being preferred to the punishment responsibilities once caught.