Wednesday 11 April 2007

Hitting the Ground Running

The week just passed in a flash as I and my East Sussex counterpart together with her husband and my wife visited Ford Open Prison on Wednesday for a fascinating and most interesting tour and detailed explanation of the working of the prison and the efforts being made to settle the residents back in to the community and employment.
Thursday saw Christine and I in Chichester for a meeting with the Mayor Cllr Rob Campling who showed us around the Council House, introduced us to the crafts on show from the City's twinning partners.
We saw the history inscribed in panels on the walls of the Council Chamber where Christine was able to see her Aunt and Uncle recorded not only as Mayor and Mayoress, each in their own right, as well as the record of their Freedom of the City.
It was a long time ago that I visited the Council House, it was the judging of the competition for the etched glass at the then new Chichester crematorium which my family built for the community.
We enjoyed an escorted tour of the City with Rob and his wife Liz and visited the Butter Market where there are plans to revitalise the facility.
That evening found us in Worthing for the 40th Scout and Guide gang show at the Pavilion Theatre and what entertainment it proved to be with skilled performances from talented young people and a delightful family fun evening.
Saturday evening Easter Concert by the West Sussex Youth Orchestra in Worthing once more this time at the Assembly Rooms. The musicians had completed a week's intensive study culminating in the Concert which commenced with pieces showing the skill of the Orchestra working together and sectional pieces for Brass, Strings and Percussion before the second half concert.
What a wealth of talent and what wonderful music
Well done to all for a great week.