Sunday 6 April 2008

Towards the end

So to the end of a fascinating year and the last few days.
March 20 Brighton and Hove Business Lunch Club very kindly agreed to allow us to make a presentation on the Shoreham Lifeboat Appeal in time, given over during lunch, to a Community Appeal – Peter Huxtable MBE Coxswain told the tale and we came away £400 better off – Many thanks for the support and indeed continuing interest.
Easter Monday and a visit to the “Independent State of Cuckfield” by invitation of the Mayor – Nicholas Rowe to present cups and medals for winners of the Easter Walking Race an annual event to raise funds for the community. The idea of an Independent State was the brain child of the Bowring family in 1966 whereby the person who gets the greatest sponsorship in an annual competition is appointed Mayor. The community have raised through this means some £185,000 for charity since inception. This year’s race was an important milestone as Phyl Bowring died earlier this year. The weather did nothing to dampen the spirits of competitors and spectators – Congratulations to all who participated and supported.
I8 March The “Be Your Best Foundation” organise the “Rock Challenge” which is an international anti – drug and crime prevention initiative that takes the form of a friendly performing arts competition for primary and secondary schools. Local schools present 8 minute pieces of dance drama set to a contemporary soundtrack portraying a theme or issue of their choice on which they are judged.
The following schools participated and provided an excellent evening of thought provoking drama and entertainment: Boundstone Community College Lancing, Durrington High School Worthing, Oriel High School Crawley, Queen Elizabeth 11 Silver Jubilee School Horsham, Millais School Horsham, Davison High School Worthing and Bognor Regis Community College.
What skill, enthusiasm and commitment with every one winning an award of which there were plenty. We are so lucky to have such committed young people willing to participate and of course Teaching staff committed to such a worthwhile project. Well done all.
Tuesday 25 March ICIS: ‘Information & Innovation’ Event Billingshurst a networking and information sharing event for service providers in West Sussex at which ICIS: information for life gave a presentation on their innovative online directory of support services – a great opportunity for me to meet with and talk to many of the support services, I had not previously met and to thank them for all they are doing for the wider community – they are so committed and appreciated the forward thinking of ICIS for arranging the morning.
27 March Thursday Crawley Past, Present & Future a tour arranged by the Mayor of Crawley Cllr Sally Blake to learn, through presentation, of the development proposals for the Town as well as to visit sites of special interest representing the history of the communities which go to make up the Town as well as leisure facilities with lunch at the College prepared and presented by Students – a fascinating day and one which surprised many on the tour as they had no idea that Crawley existed before the New Town’s Commission commenced development in the early 50’s, something I knew as my family were responsible for providing the Crematorium which opened in 1953.
Friday 28 March a day in Lewes Court sitting with His Honour Judge Brown DL and meeting with other Judges present in the Court that day – a tradition in keeping with the role of the High Sheriff and upholding the law.
In the evening to Worthing to support the Mayor in a fund raising event “The Brain Game” for her specified charities – I am not sure if the wider community fully comprehend the value raised by the efforts of our Mayor’s and Chairmen throughout the County for good causes – it was a black tie dinner, so under instruction I wore the official uniform – all, young and old alike all said how nice it was to have an opportunity to dress up – as there as few chances these days – a lesson for us all that traditional values are greatly valued and much underestimated!
29 March Saturday and Curry Lunch in the Officers Mess 47th Regiment Royal Artillery at Thorney Island in support of the Army Benevolent Fund – goodness knows and whatever one may think – we need organisations like this to support those injured or suffering loss through the actions of our service people in action throughout the world. Thanks to the Commanding Officer Lt Col M.J. Kelly RA we were given an illustrated presentation on the deployment of the British Army at this time and of the role being undertaken by his own regiment.
Monday 31 March and a visit to Brighton County Court and Family hearing centre where I was invited to sit with District Judge Merrick in the County Court and District Judge Fawcett in the Family Court – an offer made in order in that I could understand the wider role of the Judiciary in the County. I had not appreciated that the District Judges covered both of these areas of responsibility as well as corporate law and divorce matters. The morning in the County Court was taken up with possession orders sought by landlords and mortgages providers – a sign of the times and current state of the economy – the afternoon centred on what to that time, had been, disputed arrangements for access to a small child following divorce proceedings. I learned a lot and came away with a heavy heart, but full of admiration for the personal manner in which the Judges involved all participants to ensure they understood the implications of their actions.
2 April Wednesday – Declaration of High Sheriff’s Hugh Burnett OBE DL of East Sussex and Sir Richard Kleinwort 4th Bt DL of West Sussex at Lewes Crown Court.
9 April Dining In of the High Sheriff of West Sussex at County Hall Chichester in the presence of the Lord Lieutenant and a toast the New High Sheriff.

Congratulations to both Hugh and Richard and all good wishes for as happy and interesting year as Christine and I have been privileged to enjoy.

It most certainly has been a year to remember not least as our first grandchild was born on 3 April 2008 – so as one door closes a whole new chapter in our family life opens!


Monday 17 March 2008

February - 18th March 2008

This is a time when the common comment is “So are you beginning to run down now?” No such thing if anything the invitations and visits for the remainder of the year seem to keep on coming and long may it continue.
It really is a great privilege – have I said that before? The opportunity to meet so many people of all ages, interests and faiths all seeking to improve the lot of others within the County and one visit invariably opens doors to others.
1st February a good way to start with the Opening of the Petworth Police Station where the old facilities were time expired and new modern facility has been built and linked to the former Governor’s House – which used to be home of the Governor of Petworth Prison. That explains why, when we spent time with the County Archivist we learned that Jury Summons were issued to people of Worthing to attend Petworth Court – not sure how they got there in good time though!
2nd Saturday was an excellent morning as a guest of Haywards Heath Police to observe a search team operation whereby a scenario was presented to the Neighbourhood Watch search team who assisted by the Lowland Dogs Rescue team were to seek out hidden clues and ultimately the “body”. This followed a presentation on the work of the specialist search officers, their role and the way in which they have come to appreciate and call on the work of these volunteers who give of their time so freely to help. A very impressive morning and a very successful day as the objective was achieved
Sunday 3rd Was Plough Sunday and the NFU and The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution “resurrected” the tradition of a Plough Service in Chichester Cathedral with representatives from the agricultural industry across West Sussex commencing with a wonderful parade of machinery old and new through the streets of the City. The Plough being pulled into the Cathedral by representatives of the Young Farmers Clubs. A formal dress occasion and a real delight to see the return of a great tradition.
5th Tuesday and Steyning Grammar School for the launch of their Millennium Trust. The scheme is designed to reward those young people who are achievers, those on the fringe who quietly look after parents, those who do something in the community – those who would otherwise be passed by in terms of academic excellence awards as they struggle to balance life/work requirements with personal and family responsibilities. What a wonderful scheme and idea as in many cases it is the “Achievers” who get the rewards whereas without a benchmark of standard it would be difficult to identify achievement.
I was surprised to learn that Steyning Grammar, a County School, is unique in that it offers boarding facilities and was until recently the largest secondary school in Europe.
7th Thursday West Sussex County Council “Safer Places” presentations and awards – this being the culmination of effort and achievement for those young people who whether at school or in a youth group have made a significant progress in identifying areas of concern as to personal and public safety and found ways of addressing and reducing the risks of crime to their community.
There were excellent presentations on the work they had each achieved and together with my colleague The High Sheriff of East Sussex, we were seeking an award winner which we could submit for national recognition in the High Sheriff’s Association “National Crimebeat Awards”. Oathall Community College were our selected winners with their project and work in reducing bullying. Well done indeed.
Friday 8th The funeral of Major General Ronnie Buckland CB, MBE, DL husband of former High Sheriff Mrs Judith Buckland at Lyminster – what a man of achievement in his Military, Civic and Personal life.
Saturday 9th Succession Planning meeting to search for future High Sheriff’s
12th Tuesday Sussex High Sheriff’s Awards meeting at Police HQ Lewes to which the High Sheriff’s in nomination for East and West Sussex were invited and attended as part of the lead in to the role for next year.
The evening was spent in Steyning with St John’s Ambulance Cadets and Badgers for an exciting and invigorating learning experience – the enthusiasm of trainers, beavers and cadets was infectious – we are so lucky to have volunteers so willing to give of their time to encourage young people and impart skills setting them up for the future. Do I sound like a record yet?
14th Thursday and trip to Brighton (cross border!) to the Police Museum in Brighton Town Hall – an interesting and fascinating visit well worth doing and one I have already recommended to others. To learn more follow this link:
Saturday 16th Crawley Ethnic Minority Partnership AGM and for me a speaking engagement on my role – a wonderful morning of listening, learning and networking for me – in which I continued to learn a lot more and like a lot of other voluntary organisations funding is a big issue and worry for the future of the organisation which is the lead authority in West Sussex doing a lot of hard work and achieving a very great deal for the wider community.
18th Monday on home turf here in the village (forgive the pun) planting an apple tree, one of three, in the Priest House Garden of this wonderful property owned by the Sussex Archaeological Society again to find out more about this and other sites to visit follow the link: The event was organised by the “Friends of the Priest House” to replace trees which had failed. It was wonderful day with a bright cloudless blue sky and chocolate box cottage (not sure the puritans would agree with the description) but a wonderful village event. West Hoathly is the oldest Conservation Area in West Sussex!
19th Tuesday and Dinner at home for the Lord Lieutenant and other guests.
Wednesday 20th RNLI pre committee meeting at my office in Burgess Hill
21st Thursday Chichester University Governors Dinner at the Bognor Campus – the University is going from strength to strength and seems to be the University of first choice for many of the A level students we have met over the last 10 Months.
Friday and Saturday were a couple of nights off with the celebration of our local MP’s 60th Birthday and attendance at the Royal Albert Hall for the Mountbatten Festival of Music by HM Royal Marines an annual outing arranged by our youngest son and a great family get together.
Sunday 24th West Sussex Guides Thinking Day Service in Chichester Cathedral the first for very many years and well attended too. It is nice to see such traditions being maintained and or renewed.
Monday 25th Red Cross first aid training day in the Mayor’s Parlour at Brighton Town Hall – an excellent introduction to CPR as well as minor injury bandaging and a broad range of what to do and not do in an emergency – A very patient and encouraging team of tutors who did well to keep us in order and to time table. Well done the Sussex President for organising and arranging the whole day. Thank You.
29th February – having got this far in the diary you will have noticed that on Valentine’s day we went to the Police Cells – well on this day being certain that no one would want to propose to a High Sheriff we shared dinner and a convivial evening swapping stories and sharing experiences with colleague High Sheriffs from East Sussex, Kent, Surrey and the Isle of Wight the thought being “our extra day in office” and one we could repeat every four years – well we enjoyed it so much it looks like being an annual occurrence.
To bring us up to date as I am so late publishing this update I thought it best to keep going while the mood suits.
1st Saturday and a morning attendance at the request of the Mayor of Chichester to the opening of “Pavimenta” an exhibition of Mosaics jointly arranged and funded by the City of Ravenna and Chichester City Council who are twinned with each other and presented at the Fishbourne Roman Palace at Chichester – another property owned by the Sussex Archaeological Society – again a wonderful place to visit.
Then the evening was spent with West Sussex Scouts at their Dinner at the conclusion of the first day of their 2008 Conference where as ever we were made most welcome and much to our embarrassment won the raffle of dinner for two anywhere in West Sussex – I will leave the Scouts to reveal the rest of the story – but a great evening with some very enthusiastic and committed volunteers seeking to drive the movement forward in the years ahead.
4th March and the launch of the “All Dome Video System” at the South Downs Planetarium in Chichester on a day which also enable all present to mark the 85th Birthday of Sir Patrick Moore who has been so supportive of the Planetarium, its volunteers and the work they are doing in making science more exciting for young people (those are their words not mine and by golly are they enthusiastic) it was a great introduction to the facility, who like many others are looking for funding. They need to raise £200, 000 of which they have managed to “squirrel” a great part in order to build a teaching facility where practical projects can be undertaken by young people as well as providing a place for multi school visitors to eat their lunch! All offers direct to the Planetarium please no matter how large or small – follow the link for address for donations and of course details of shows:
It also happened to be my birthday too so what a wonderful way to spend it star gazing into the future and a return home to a family party.
5th Wednesday St Catherine’s Hospice 25th Anniversary Reception at Warnham Park and a presentation by the Chief Executive Sean O Leary on the future plans for this wonderful caring place of comfort for so many families
Friday 7th Attendance at Chichester Crown Court for Christine and I to observe the Judiciary at work and an opportunity to thank the Court support team for all their hard work in making the system work.
Saturday 8th a fun afternoon with the East Grinstead Beavers for which I was asked to wear full uniform – the sword was a major talking point – again what dedicated volunteers engaged in supporting these young people with the physical and mental challenges of the afternoon at the conclusion of which they all received certificates.
9th Sunday Littlehampton Lifeboat where there are two in shore lifeboats operating from modern premises at the head of the slipway to the river Arun – the fastest flowing river in England! A treacherous bar at the entrance to the harbour and direct access to the English Channel. On arrival we were met on the stairs by a young man submitting his application for membership of the crew and he was followed by the owner of a boat the crew had helped the previous evening – he came to express his thanks! A demonstration of the boat handling skills in front of the slipway and both boats headed out to see for exercise, whilst we did the same thing and stayed behind to await their safe return. A great team of people with a vibrant crew of young men and women from a variety of interests in life. A Different sort of volunteering but one where they seek to save lives, whilst at times putting their own at risk –but they don’t talk about that! Well done folks and well done the Arundel and Littlehampton branch who raised £40,000 last year and who are now panicking as to what they may achieve this year and what will happen if they don’t match or better last year’s achievement!
Tuesday11th Blond McIndoe Research Foundation at Queen Victoria Hospital where HRH The Princess Royal as Patron was visiting – what incredible work the team do in the continuing development of skin grafts for burns, damaged eyes and cartilage a day in which my knowledge was further expanded by a group of quiet and unassuming professionals.
Then to Chichester for an appreciation of Ivor Novello in support of the Mayor’s Charity
13th Thursday to lunch in Worthing with the Mayor and Consort and on to Chichester in the evening for a visit with St John Ambulance their Badgers and Cadets – again an exciting and vibrant evening where knowledge is imparted in the gentlest of ways and they all have fun learning and expanding life skills. Congratulations to Miles on selection as Cadet of the Year and all good wishes for success in the National Competition.
Friday 14th Lunch for the High Sheriff in Nomination with former High Sheriffs of the County in readiness for the year ahead and then to Bognor for the Bognor Town Council Civic Reception at the Regis School of Music.
Saturday 15th a day off spent at Twickenham to good effect as it was England’s best match of the Six Nations Cup, although it didn’t seem that way in the first six minutes!!!
17th Monday – Sussex Police Long Service and merit and gallantry awards to which we as High Sheriff’s were invited to bring our award scheme winners for a formal presentation of their certificates being Oathall Community College from Haywards Heath and Groombridge Youth Council both of which will now go forward to the National Crimebeat Awards competition to be held later in the year.
18th Tuesday and attendance at a National Crimebeat Review Workshop at which we hope to review the working arrangements and plan for the continuing future of the scheme. To find out more and download an entry form for the Sussex High Sheriff’s Awards follow this link:
And for Crimebeat follow this link:

Sunday 10 February 2008

January 2008

The New Year and last quarter
Has been a little less hectic and a good opportunity to recharge the batteries after Christmas, that said there has still been much to occupy the time:
Sunday 6th January - a fabulous concert by the West Sussex Youth Orchestra as well as a solo flute performance at Windlesham House School – such great talent and a delightful evening’s entertainment.
Monday 7th - the opening of the new dementia unit at Sussexdown in Storrington a very impressive facility and afirst visit to this important home although we drive past it every time we visit Chichester which is what followed for the final planning meeting for the Judges Service.
Wednesday 8th – an office meeting and planning with the RNLI fund raiser to carry on with the planning of the appeal for the new Shoreham lifeboat and station and an afternoon visit to Haywards Heath Police Station and time with the Scenes of Crimes Officers which was fascinating culminating in an offer to spend a day with them later on.
Saturday 12th – The Bi-centennial Service of Celebration to mark the establishment of Fonthill Lodge School at Swithun’s Church East Grinstead and reception at the school following the service.
Sunday 13th – Afternoon Tea on the Bluebell Railway to mark the inaugural run of the newly refurbished lounge car which used to take passengers from London to the cruise liners in Southampton – an excellent afternoon spent in the engines sheds, on the footplate and of course a sumptuous tea with the Chairman Graham Flight and his wife Sue.
Monday 14th – A quick trip to Chichester City Council for a joint meeting with the Clerk and Police to run through the arrangements for the Judicial and Civic Processions for the Judges Service – if the weather stays dry!
Wednesday 16th – back to Haywards Heath Police Station this time for a visit to the Road Policing Unit which was fascinating in the extreme given their stated objective of denying road access to the criminal element – we saw the automated number plate recognition system in use both in the station control centre and in a mobile unit.
Friday 18th – Judges Service at Chichester Cathedral unfortunately it rained but didn’t dampen our spirits! An excellent colourful service and sermon from the Dean with representatives from all areas of Judicial interest within the County. I was supported by colleague High Sheriffs from East Sussex, Dorset, Kent, Isle of Wight and Greater London as well as the Secretary of the High Sheriffs Association and the Under Sheriff for the Bailliwicks of West and East Sussex.
Tuesday 22nd – RNLI appeal committee meeting in Shoreham unfortunately the development has been delayed as the site has been designated “ Village Green” and the proposals have been called in for review by “Higher Authority” this is now adding to the costs as it was nor foreseen and the building contract should have commenced at the beginning of the month – a lively meeting!
Tuesday 24th – Planning succession meeting with Sir Richard Kleinwort 4th Bt DL followed by a “Taste of Sussex” reception hosted by Baker Tilly in the Royal Pavilion Brighton – so good to see Sussex food and wine being promoted.
Friday 25th – Visit to the County Records Office in Chichester where Richard Childs took us through the important work they undertake in the preservation of records for the whole of the County he had a light touch which made the visit all the more interesting as we examined records dating back to 1695 being the West Hoathly Parish Record and Tithe Map of the area – we also learned of the resource facilities they make available to all as well as the Film preservation unit for the whole of the South East!
Monday 28th – My all day visit with Scenes of Crime spent in Crawley taking finger and footprints from weekend scenes of burglaries and tidying up after as it can be a messy business – what a dedicated team of people they are with an incredible success record.
Wednesday 30th – Lunch with Board of the Queen Alexandra Hospital Home Worthing of which I am an avid supporter – they provide long term care to those suffering “Acquired Brain Injuries” primarily but not exclusively from the Armed Forces – they ran an appeal at the time our youngest son (21yrs) was called up as TA Officer for service in OPTelic 4 in Al Amarrah Iraq and as a family we have retained the connection. Having visited on many occasions I met Betty Deason who has been providing the shopping trolley and doing the shopping for the residents as well as supporting them at Sunday Church Services in their Chapel for 25 years an incredible story for a thrice times cancer sufferer who considered the residents to be her extended family. Betty was retiring and I was pleased to present her with a “ High Sheriff’s Community Award” in recognition of all she had done for the Community of Queen Alexandra Hospital Home as it was so richly deserved.

Sunday 6 January 2008

December 2007

With Christmas fast approaching and the ninth month of appointment the diary is looking a little busy for the month – I will leave you to determine whether it was:
Sunday 2nd December and the first Carol Service with St Johns Ambulance Brigade (Sussex County) in St George’s Church Worthing followed by tea at the local centre.
Monday and by contrast a visit to Sussex Police Forensic’s Department in the afternoon. And what an interesting visit that was !– chemical analysis, finger print matching, shoe identification and a wealth of specialist skills with seemingly no end to their ability to find evidence where none would, at first view, be apparent. A considerable number of crimes are solved and solved quickly as a result of the hard work of this team and I take my hat off to them for all that they do.
Tuesday and off to West Downs Division of Sussex Police for the Divisional Awards Ceremony at their Worthing Centre – the awards were for some pretty spectacular work by officers, PCSO’s and members of the Public. A day made more memorable with the appearance of Police Dog “Otto” who took a fancy to my arm – fortunately my reactions were quick but it gave the Press something a little lighter to add to a memorable and humbling experience, as all said they were just doing their duty!
Wednesday and a Firebreak Presentation and Award at Crawley Fire Station – it seems well nigh impossible to attend that station without a call being received – the young people who had completed the course gave an excellent display, showed great teamwork and had, as they said “learned a lot from it”. It was a delight to see so many parents and school teachers present to witness the culmination of their training. It was also good to learn that they now receive basic first aid training given by the Ambulance Service – another certificate for the wall. Well done to West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service for giving these young people such a wonderful opportunity to improve themselves.
The evening was spent in East Grinstead at the Chequer Mead Theatre in support of the SSAFA Concert with the Band of the Grenadier Guards – brass music is a favourite of mine so an evening well spent and most enjoyable. Also took the opportunity to buy one or two “Christmas presents” for one member of the family who shares my musical taste!
Thursday and a chance for some succession planning, prior to attending a meeting of the Sussex High Sheriffs Awards Committee at Police HQ where we deliberated on the entries submitted for consideration – more about this in a later report as it would be a shame to give the game away too early! Then a business presentation at the South of England Showground entitled “ Mid Sussex Open for Business” a great opportunity to network – listen to presentations on the opportunities for improvement of the community and the desire to take the business culture forward.
Friday I joined Christine and her team of volunteers in preparing and lunching the “older” folk of our village to a Christmas Lunch, something she has been leading for what we believe is over 25 years – it is a great community event and very well received by all involved whether it is in the preparation or eating certainly there is no waste. Then off to Littlehampton by invitation of the Mayor to his Christmas Civic Reception for the community leaders, MP and others where the Mayor gave his “State of the Community” address. I am sure that none of us realise just how much is going on within each and every community – a long but very satisfying day learning a lot more about what is going on in West Sussex.
Saturday 8th we were fortunate to be invited to the Rededication of North Stoke Church which lies to the South of Amberley and is nestled into the Downs. The church had been deconsecrated but has been brought back into limited use by both Christian faiths with the Service being Conducted jointly by the Bishop’s of Horsham and Arundel. The Church is of Augustinian foundation and has a wonderful history and still no heating or power! Truly a day and service to remember.
Sunday and Mid Sussex District Council’s Civic Carol Service in Lindfield followed by tea in the Tiger, at which we had to proffer apologies as we had to leave for Chichester Cathedral where we were attending the “ Light up a Life” Carol Service organised by St Wilfred’s Hospice – a meaningful and moving service for us all.
Monday 10th and off to Heyshott to Canine Partners Training Centre for their Graduation Ceremony (the dogs that is) to which all associated with the dog from breeder to walker, kennels and trainer were invited as animal and owner were presented to the assembled company. These dogs are trained to do the most amazing work looking after and caring for those suffering with disabilities, we saw one press the lift call button, another had been trained in picking up items fallen from the wheel chair and others proficient in placing their owner in the recovery position and calling for help! We even met Endal the dog who won the George Cross. What a difference these wonderfully trained animals make to the lives of those with whom they live. I could go on but had better not, look them up at: there are many ways you can help and not just by giving money! That evening and in marked contrast to the morning I attended HM Prison at Ford for their Carol Service which was sadly somewhat delayed by a power cut, which saw us locked in to the Chapel for security, but perhaps that made it the more special, as we had some small feeling of what it was like to be locked away from the world.
Tuesday evening we were lucky enough to be invited to the West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service’s Carol Service in Chichester Cathedral, it is “a must do service” made the more meaningful this year as I have spent time with many of the officers who do so much for the community. The Choir and musical accompaniment was provided by Bourne Community College and were truly excellent as is their Ofsted report but a little more of that later.
Wednesday evening and back to the Cathedral for the Bishop Luffa School Carol Service which was also a wonderful treat, with some beautiful soloists, followed by a late visit to the Mayor of Chichester’s at home in the Council House.
Thursday evening and we were back in the Cathedral for Chichester University’s Carol Service and again a different and delightful service with a brass ensemble playing outside in the cold to welcome us, so we knew we were in for another treat.
Friday and this time it was to Arundel, where we were invited by the Western Bench to attend their Presentation Evening at which long service presentations were made by the Lord Lieutenant and the change of Bench Chairman was recognised in expressions of gratitude and goodwill. Unfortunately we had to leave a little early as we were collected, by agreement, by the Mayor of Arundel, Colin Heriot and his wife Jacquie, who took us on to the Cathedral for a Christmas Concert, to which the Dean had invited us. It was a special evening possibly made more so by the Choir of whom at least one of the young Choristers added a certain something to the meaning of Christmas – our first time in the Cathedral which looked beautiful since its major clean.
Monday 17th and Carols at Lewes Prison in the evening with the residents participating in a new version of the Christmas Story as well as the singing of carols and mince pies thereafter It is difficult to express in words the mixed feelings as we left , free to go home, yet knowing that others could not, the impact that has upon them and their families and always the big question why – they look no different to any of us – where and why do we sometimes go wrong – is it in the manner of making or just a difference in opportunities that have come our way. An unanswerable question for if we knew the answer we wouldn’t need prisons!
Wednesday and Adur District Council’s Christmas Blessing and Carol Service in St Mary de Haura Church Shoreham, a most beautiful Church where we were supported by the local brass band, entertained by “Naked Voices” unaccompanied vocalists (which included the Council’s Chief Executive!), the choir and hand bell ringers. A chance too, for all to Re-Dedicate themselves to Public Service.
Thursday 20th and an early attendance at Bourne Community College in Southbourne on the South Western edge of the County to attend morning Assembly as their Anti Bullying programme had been awarded “ Highly Commended” status in the National Crimebeat Awards, having previously won the Safer Community and Sussex High Sheriffs Awards. I was greeted by the Head Boy and Girl waiting patiently outside on a cold and very frosty morning, taken in to a musical accompaniment and briefed over coffee by the Head Teacher and Chairman of Governors and accompanied by my predecessor Charles Fraser and the County Council Cabinet Member for Education. We entered the hall, were entertained by the Choir, whom I had first heard in the Cathedral, and entertained to a Carol Duet and another musical piece before making the Award. This was followed by a Diana Award to a pupil who had gone out of his way to ensure that those considered vulnerable and at risk were cared for and supported. I was then given a tour of the college with all hard at work, despite it being the last full day of term. I had learned that Bourne Community College had been awarded an excellent OFSTED report and it was plain to see why, given the commitment of all associated with the College - both Staff and Pupils alike, all of whom are justifiably proud of the place which, for the first time ever, has a waiting list for new entrants.
That afternoon I visited the “Information Shop” in Horsham, where John Belton, the originator of the idea of providing facilities for young people to get help, be it seeking work, health and or drugs issues as well as a drop in facility, was retiring, and I had been asked to present him with a Community Award for all he had done. The first centre was opened in Horsham and are now established in six towns throughout the County. John’s foresight has helped countless numbers of young people and his award is well deserved, as is a long and happy retirement – he will now be found helping out in the Adur shop to fill in time!
Then home to the Village Carollers who were calling to entertain our invited guests for the evening and in so doing raise money for St Catherine’s Hospice which they have been doing for a number of years and have been calling on us for about twenty five years.
Friday 21st and Chichester Cathedral for the Cathedral’s own Carol Service which was a feast of Music and lessons, a homily from our Lord Bishop and mince pies in the Cloisters to conclude – what better way to end a week and really start our family Christmas Festivities with the family guests being entertained at home by the Village Carollers and the Candlelight Carol Service at Highbrook to which we were accompanied by my Father and Stepmother who then stayed on for supper with other members of the family.
With all good wishes for 2008