Thursday 4 October 2007

September with half of the year gone and still so much to do…..

We started the month with the special Service of Commemoration on the 10th Anniversary of Diana Princess of Wales in Chichester Cathedral on Sunday 2 September and went on to the West Sussex County Youth Orchestra Summer Concert at the Hawth Crawley what a fantastic evening and just the thing to raise the spirits.
Monday and an early evening Committee Meeting in Shoreham for the RNLI appeal and off to Tour Arun District Council in company with the Chairman Graham Tyler and his wife Diane Hotham Park recipient of a lottery grant to re-establish this wonderful parkland in the centre of Bognor Regis, a view of the Regeneration programme and a meeting with the Littlehampton Harbour Master all before lunch! What a day and what a district of differences sea, sand and corporations. Thursday and a meeting with nominees to discuss the Sussex High Sheriffs Awards Scheme to bring them up to speed and encourage them in continuing support in years to come.
Friday and preparations for 250 guests for the Summer Garden Party we were blessed with some wonderful weather – The Horsham Band of the Royal British Legion played for us, it was a splendid evening and the marquee didn’t get used! Even had Five High Sheriffs present East Sussex who had to leave early for Police Cadet presentations, Surrey, The Isle of Wight and Kent and a photo to prove it. The Marquee was used for a village supper and Barn Dance on Saturday evening and Songs of Praise on Sunday.
Saturday and Lewes Crown Court open day which was magnificent not only for the detailed tour of the facilities but the people we met who had a genuine interest in wanting to know more and some wonderful Judges and support staff from all agencies regularly involved in Court work – well done all.
Sunday 9 and a walk for St Catherine’s Hospice one of my selected charities of the year, Christine, Spanker the dog and I managed 8 1/2 miles and thanks to generous sponsors raised over £1,000. Thanks sponsors and thankfully a relatively quiet week to recover. Wednesday Queen Alexandra Hospital Home Worthing an interest we as a family support where they provide long term care for ex service personnel suffering with Acquired Brain Injury – a moving visit and some wonderfully cheerful patients and staff. On then to the West Sussex Scout AGM at Wiston House where I was given the opportunity of thanking all involved at every level for what they do in support of the young of West Sussex. Scouting is the largest youth organisation in the world! Friday and tour of the Worthing Magistrates Court and on as guests of Adur District Council to the Shoreham Air Show on Saturday which was a wonderful get together of District Chairmen and Mayors in beautiful sunshine and a great way to relax and take in some nostalgia albeit marred toward the end of the day by the sad accident. Then Sunday and Rustington Parish Thanksgiving and Civic Service and reception in the Memorial Hall where we were made to feel so welcome and see just how many people being honoured for their contribution to the community a great joy.
A late start this week with a Visit on Tuesday 18 to Meet and greet HRH The Duke of Gloucester at Kerwin Court the newly opened centre at Broad Oak for the Disabilities Trust and an evening celebrating my parents wedding anniversary. Wednesday and the Royal British Legion Awareness event in Uckfield and then a dash cross county to Bognor Regis for the AGM of Age Concern West Sussex and Thursday afternoon to Chichester to present Court Awards at the Crown Court. Friday and tour of Central Sussex College both in Crawley and Haywards Heath where we were shown plans for the future development of the site to take it forward for the next 70 years and were shown round the plumbing and electrical training areas before visiting the nearly completed new build at Haywards Heath with the performing arts centre and music and humanities facilities which should be completed in time for a December hand over. This is merely phase one of the development and what a fabulous facility the students will have complimenting the science labs and once fully developed will be, like Crawley, great places of learning for long into the future. Then to Worthing on Saturday for the Alzheimer’s Memory Walk in brilliant sunshine along the prom and back with a release of balloons all done to raise awareness and financial support.
Sunday 23 and the Dedication of a new ambulance and enrolment of recruits for St John’s Ambulance at St John’s Church Crawley the Badgers were wonderful as were all recruits and a lot of very proud mums and dads with camera’s to the fore. What a wonderful family event and what an excellent organisation. Let’s hope the Ifield Community College Choir all recover from the illness which prevented their joining in the service.
Monday and a visit to Pulborough Brooks the RSPB wetland reserve which attracts over 100,000 visitors a year, an opportunity to learn of the challenges in managing a wetland estate in order to encourage birds back to their natural habitat, to see some of them and to see other parts of the 1000 acre estate all being cared for and managed to preserve this wonderful feature for years to come. Tuesday and the public launch of Streetmate in Haywards Heath followed by an RNLI update meeting and a practice for the High Sheriff’s Cooking competition with my Master Chef Lewis Hamblett of South Lodge Hotel Lower Beeding, where I learned one or two tricks which will undoubtedly help us win the trophy. Wednesday and a visit to the Northern Magistrates Courts in Crawley, Horsham and Haywards Heath this being my “home” bench which I am anxious not leave out and fear they were anxious about having me visit – probably good for both of us! Then it was off to Knepp Castle and St Catherine’s Hospice Gift Fair an excellently organised fund raising evening, despite the fears of foot & mouth. Thursday and the Royal Naval Association’s 60th Anniversary Service in Chichester Cathedral a select gathering in the Sailor’s Chapel – this branch is one of the most vibrant and is attracting new members – Well done and thanks for including us. Later West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service Awards at Arundel Castle a truly family evening and another opportunity to meet with the Fire Crews supported by their families all of whom really are a dedicated bunch of folk. Friday and the Queen’s Award for Enterprise to Metal Interests Ltd in Chichester where the Lord Lieutenant made the presentation to the Directors of the Company and colleagues again a nice family event and an award of great meaning and importance. Then a private view of “In Camera” at the Pallant House Gallery the Gulbenkian Award winning Art Gallery awarded earlier this year. Saturday and the 999 Open Day at Burgess Hill with a start delayed by a “shout” for a traffic accident an opportunity to inspect the team of fire, ambulance and Police in company with the Mayor of Burgess Hill who welcomed us all and back to our home district of Mid Sussex for the Chairman’s Garden Party on Sunday where I was privileged to share with the Chairman in the presentation of the community awards.
So another month gone, lots of happy memories and some tinged with a little sadness too, but yet another month of meeting so very many wonderful people who do so much for our County.
Here are some web links to newspaper coverage: