Thursday 30 August 2007

June - July and August

June – August 07
The summer months have shown little respite in the visits undertaken a visit to Arundel and the Cricket in support of a County Schools project followed by the opening of the South of England Show by HRH Princess Alexandra and then an evening dash to the Bognor Regis Neighbourhood Watch AGM in the evening and a return to Ardingly the next day to visit the West Sussex County Youth Voluntary Service exhibit before attending the promotional launch of a local produce challenge being undertaken with my colleague from East Sussex Caroline Mayhew in October then on to Dunsfold for the launch of the new Surrey/Sussex Air Ambulance service.
The week of the 11 June started a little easier with a day at work and then a most interesting and moving visit to Manor Green Primary School Crawley where they support and educate special needs children – we were accompanied by our Chaplain and all of us were moved by those we met their dedication and commitment as well as the joy of the children themselves. The Horsham and District CAB AGM that evening was rather more formal. Given the special work of these specialist and dedicated teachers after a morning visit to Shoreham Fire Station where we learned a lot of the changes taking place in the structure of the service and the work they are doing provided a route back in to mainstream education, we went on to Little Green Special School at Compton located in the most wonderful part of rural sussex and met an equally dedicated team of staff and some very excited and enthusiastic pupils who chased round the entire school to bring us offerings from their cookery lesson.
Thursday afternoon we spent with the Youth offending team of Crawley seeing at first hand the restorative and community projects they undertake as recompense to the community all this before joining my East Sussex colleague for dinner as she was entertaining the visiting High Court Judge. Friday was a day with Sussex Police at the communications centre followed by attendance at the Police Authority meeting, Sunday we accepted the Invitation of the High Sheriff of Surrey to attend his Garden Party
Monday 18 June started with a visit to Lodge Hill activity centre to learn more of the work they do in encouraging young people to work as a team and learn the social responsibilities of community living. No wonder this forms part of a challenge undertaken by the Youth Offending Service for some of their clientele and what a delight it has been to learn of their success in changing habits and breaking the cycle of offending. A dash on to a meeting of Crimestoppers in Lewes where plans for future campaigns were discussed and then to a meeting with the RNLI about which more later – it’s a secret so far! Tuesday and the AGM of the East Grinstead Scouts Council at Chequer Mead – a catch up on what has happened and is happening as well as learning that the camp I was supposed to have closed (opened it instead) had been foreshortened by the very wet weather – yet this evening no spirits seemed dampened just happy memories and a few pound spent in support of one of the chosen scouts lucky enough to be attending the World Wide Jamboree later in the year. Wednesday saw us dash across the County commencing with a visit to East Grinstead Fire Station where some of the Crew were missing have left early that morning for the “Three Peaks Challenge” I am still waiting to hear how they got on – incidentally met the new PCSO for East Grinstead at the same time. Then to Haywards Heath to meet the day crew at their fire station which they now share with the ambulance service a first in the county! A Visit to Horsham for the Regional Finals of Young Enterprise where sadly our West Sussex representatives dropped out against some very stiff competition and then Chichester for the City Mayor’s at home. Thursday lunch at which Jim Braithwaite Chairman of SEEDA was guest speaker and an opportunity to network. Sunday Worthing Veterans Drumhead Service sadly the weather took hold and the planned ceremony in Steyne Gardens had to be cancelled and we all squeezed into the adjacent Church.
Monday evening 25 June and a visit to the Rolls Royce who were hosting the Sussex Community Foundation presentation and offering a tour of the factory . Tuesday the opportunity to sit on a Youth Offending Service Referral Panel meeting to see from the other side what and how the lay members determine penalties for those first time guilty plea offenders who mandatorily are sent to them by the Youth Courts and that was an eye opener and not something experienced as sitting Youth Court member! Wednesday and I was 100 feet above the ground on the extended aerial platform housed at Worthing Fire Station and that was just to clear my lungs after an exercise in the smoke chamber (they did provide the breathing apparatus but not a nerve steadier for the heights!). A great day thanks guys and then Outset Youth Action’s AGM at Lodge Hill this where I learned of the 140,000 hours of voluntary service, all done by young people, working for and with others to make their lives better. Why of why does this not get reported in the press instead of the actions of few. Some of the stories we were told by the volunteers themselves were very moving indeed especially the young mums who are determined to stop others going the same way. What a boost for the County and all working with the wonderful young people and a marked change from what we keep hearing in the press. Well done all.
Thursday to Chichester on a cold evening for the launch of the Festivities within the cloisters fortunately the bad weather did not dampen spirits while the Peregrine Falcons nesting on the Cathedral over sailed the gathering teaching their fledglings to fly. So to Friday and nearly the end of the month with a day’s visit to Horsham District accompanied by the Chief Executive and Chairman where we covered a lot of ground some new to me other parts I had visited but learning more about the constituent parts of our County all the while. We visited the Blue Idol where William Penn worshipped and have now found another challenge in seeking a design for a timber framed building to create a visitor centre to this important of our and America’s history. More on that another in another blog and then to the Springboard Project AGM in Horsham in the evening where respite and supportive care is provided to families whose children have special needs and what is more some of the young volunteers come via Outset Youth! Saturday was another rainy day and quick dash to the Queen Alexandra Hospital Home in Worthing for the start of their Garden Party and then back to Horsham for the Christian Schoolmasters and Mistresses Benevolent Fund 150th Anniversary at Glen Arun where we were made to feel most welcome and met many people with some wonderful memories and tales to tell.
What a way to end the month.
July and what better way to start the month than with the Chichester Festival Eucharist in the Cathedral and coffee with some with other members of the congregation before a return to Worthing and “Vocalise” the West Sussex County Choir of young people entertaining us all to a musical evening. Monday to Christ’s Hospital School and HRH The Duke of Gloucester’s visit. Tuesday evening and the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Awards presentations at Worth Abbey School – what commitment and challenges the successful candidates had shown – all I ever managed was a Bronze! Wednesday and Youth Initiatives Firebreak Passing out parade at Crawley a subject on which I had heard a lot but not previously experienced. Inspected the team and watched their presentation on skills and got to talk to them and their families over a sandwich. All had derived a great deal from the programme and were keen to take it on further.
Thursday was the opening of the Contemplative Garden at St Wilfrid’s Hospice Chichester where staff and volunteer gardeners came to brave another wet afternoon and officially open an oasis of tranquillity where families could find space and comfort in each others company and reflect on what was and is happening in their lives – a most worthwhile, thoughtful and caring initiative. Friday and a reception by the East Sussex High Sheriff and Saturday a visit to open the Walstead Nursing Home Garden Party – vested interest here as Christine’s mother is a resident and so to Sunday 8th July and St John’s Church Crawley for the Crawley Civic Service. Monday a visit to the Ricardo works at Shoreham followed by an inaugural meeting with Shoreham Lifeboat team to start planning the launch of their public appeal. Tuesday a visit to Littlehampton Community School which was fascinating and the Head a veritable dynamo albeit suffering a sore throat. We learned a great deal of the mixed population and the challenges that presents both for the pupils and their parents to whom the school also offers language training even in the workplace for some thanks to enlightened employers. Then across the County to Lewes to meet with the Chief Executive of the South East Coast Ambulance Service and visit their control and ops room as well as learning of the changing demands being placed upon the service.
Wednesday afternoon and an invitation to participate in a Citizenship Ceremony and an opportunity to meet and chat with those who have committed to this country and taken this brave and important step with many an interesting reason for so doing especially as they came from across the Globe. Then a dash home for a Wedding Rehearsal and supper with prospective In Laws. Thursday proved an exceptional morning at Ardingly Show Ground where they were running “Connect with the Countryside” for school children and their teachers to learn all about the Countryside, the food chain and to engage with real animals (fur and feather) as well as the fibreglass milking Cow and listening to and seeing bats. As I write I forget how many schools and how many thousand young people attended – but what an experience – for many their first and what enthusiasm from the organisers and presenters of their animals, crafts and skills all of whom had given of their time to help educate. A day which will live in my memory for a very long time. I was therefore rather late in attending the Sussex Heritage Awards and lunch. Friday and the County Chairman’s reception at beautiful Parham House and lo the rain stopped!
Saturday 14 July and our only Daughter’s wedding here in the village on what seems as we look back to have been one of the best weather days of the month – if not the summer – we certainly had a splendid day and Emily was radiant.
Sunday 15 July and an invitation to attend the Gurja Hindu Union’s Ramayan Recital (Katha) by Hindu Saint Shree Rameshbhai Oza of which the theme was one of promoting Peace, Harmony and Progress.
Monday a meeting of the Sussex High Sheriff’s Awards committee at Police HQ Lewes followed by the Mayor of Brighton and Hove’s Civic Garden Party.
Tuesday the Induction of the new vicar of Horsham at St Mary’s Church conducted by the Bishop of Horsham.
Wednesday and an early start to make the visit of HRH The Princess Royal to the Shipwrecked Mariners Society in Chichester before returning home to garner up Christine in order to attend the Palace Garden Party in company with our youngest son Charles and a dinner in town thereafter.
Friday back to Chichester for the Southern Cathedrals Festival Service and some wonderful Choral pieces and a delightful lunch in excellent and special company. Saturday an opportunity to meet the New Director of the Royal Botanical Gardens at Wakehurst Place on what turned out to be a delightfully dry and pleasant evening and an opportunity to catch up with some friends and acquaintances of years past.
Tuesday 24 July and a meeting of Sussex Crimestoppers at Police HQ Lewes and an evening observing a Youth Offending Service Referral Order Panel at work reviewing progress and setting new orders. Wednesday and Horley Fire Station where we were to meet with the Tactical Rescue Unit but delayed that element of the visit in order to meet the fire crew who were practising motor vehicle passenger crash recovery practice as we had not seen this before and they were simulating an actual of event of days earlier to see how they could improve on their technique – fascinating and great skills and competence. The Tactical Rescue Unit is a separate unit skilled at recovery from difficult locations as shown with one of their number left hanging from a high ledge while they abseiled down to recover him. The team with dogs are available to attend earthquake and building collapse anywhere in the world and specialise in making the difficult and impossible look easy especially with the vast array of very high tech equipment they have to hand. What a dedicated group of people they are and so very un-assuming. Thursday and Hickstead to greet HRH The Princess Royal at the Royal International Horse Show and an ability to watch too. Friday 31 July and an all day tour of Mid Sussex District in the company of the Chief Executive John Jory taking in East Grinstead and the Town Centre enhancement proposals – meeting the management team and learning of their commitment to maintaining Mid Sussex as nice place to live and work and seeing that commitment translated into supported sheltered housing schemes and improved leisure and recreational facilities designed across the District.
August 1st Wednesday and an early start to join the Sunrise Ceremony at the Back of Worthing on the Downs as part of the World Scout Centenary with an excellent pageant and perhaps a little look into the future as well.
Thursday Christine and I had been invited to join the County Scout Commissioner John Spickett and Deputy Commissioner Irene Walford at the Scout World Jamboree which was just awesome in the manner in which transport to the site as well as the entertainment and pavilions of Scouts from across the world were providing with, of course, the centrepiece being Big Ben designed and built in Crawley Down another first for West Sussex. No wonder Scouting is the biggest youth organisation in the world as they had thought of everything and I am not sure as to whether we were more tired than the Chosen representatives of West Sussex Scouts who had funded themselves to be there and were certainly getting the most from the experience!
We ended the week in Chichester at County Fire Headquarters where the new RIB was waiting on the water for a trial run which it would have been churlish to turn down, then a chance to learn and use the skills seen at Horley on vehicle passenger recovery following an accident which enabled me to create a convertible from a standard four door Escort and then an accompanied trip into the smoke chamber with and without heat seeking camera – explained as “The old fashioned and modern way of doing things” all with breathing apparatus and safety kit right down as photographs show of the smoke smudge mark on my nose from the visor!
Cowes week was the family holiday from which we returned on Sunday 19th August to Shoreham to enjoy the company of the Lifeboat crew on exercise complete with a slipway launch. We do owe a lot to volunteers such these folk as it is not just a case of launching the boat and putting it away afterwards as everything has to be washed down and cleaned in order to protect it from saltwater corrosion and what is more they had been out most of the night before our arrival extricating a car from the river with the help of the Coastguard.
Tuesday was a morning spent at Gatwick with the Immigration Service and Customs which was truly fascinating in the controls and checks both organisations make, the commitment of the team members and the hoops they have to jump through when seeking to deny access to the country or having to find and prove possession of drugs and contraband of all sorts. The dogs are a delight to watch – unless the goods belong to you and whilst both are individual services and strictly cash limited they are very committed to making ours a safer country in which to live.
Friday 24 a visit to Chichester Crown Prosecution offices to learn of the manner in which they manage case load, service courts both Magistrates and Crown Court as well as the manner in which they care for vulnerable witnesses and victims. You may care to know that a Trial at which the Victim and or witnesses are present end in successful prosecution. Saturday and Activenture at Hindleap Warren where the guests are young people with learning and or physical difficulties living in for a week cared and looked after by a team of able young persons (properly supervised) who each take responsibility for the well being of one of the guests covering all aspects of their needs as well as getting them involved in the activities the centre provides from ecological awareness of the countryside to climbing and zip wire whether or not they are chair bound. To watch the faces of those released from their chairs to enjoy such new experiences was moving not only for the carers but Christine and I as observers in what was a truly memorable day.
Tuesday 28 July and a day out with the 7-7 ambulance crew observing the manning and operation of a front line ambulance and the demands placed upon the crew with urgent and non urgent demands upon their time (categorised calls) which all ended with a major incident in which the new air ambulance was involved.
August closed with the launch of Crimestoppers Doorstep Crime campaign by Dame Vera Lynn which has achieved considerable coverage. I know just how insidious this crime is and how very seriously the Police take it and react to it following my first day out with them the PCSO when I saw for myself the effect it had had on an elderly gentleman who had admitted a meter reader to his house only to discover minutes later as he was brushed aside in the get away that his pension and limited savings had been taken. Who is it that can stoop so low and how do they sleep at night?
An appropriate place to end another missive.